
Nuclear war risk

Outlawing Nuclear Weapons as the Start of Nuclear Disarmament, 2019, a position paper of the German Commission for Justice and Peace.

Bläsius, Moegling: AI and War. Peace Magazine April – June 2024, Vol. XXXX No. 2, Seite 31 – 35, peace magazine april 2024

Unintended nuclear war

Bläsius, Siekmann: Computer-aided Early Warning and Decision-making Systems, 2021 (pdf, 37 pages)

Bläsius, Siekmann: Unintended Nuclear War, Journal “Künstliche Intelligenz”, 2021, Online Version

Bläsius, Siekmann: AI in early warning systems for nuclear threats, 2021 (pdf, 11 pages)

Schierhorn: False alarms, accidents and near-disasters involving nuclear weapons, 2021, long version (140 pages), short version (7 pages), 4-pages-version

Climate change and nuclear war risk

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

  1. Scheffran: Verification and security of transformation to a nuclear-weapon-free world: the framework of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Special Issue, Global Change, Peace & Security 30(2): 1-20. Also published in: Camilleri JA, Hamel-Green M, Yoshida F (Eds.) The 2017 Nuclear Ban Treaty. A New Path to Nuclear Disarmament, 2019. Chapter 10, Routledge., 2018
  2. Datan, Scheffran: The Treaty Is Out of the Bottle: The Power and Logic of Nuclear Disarmament. Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament (free online), 2019

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