General Information
Every nuclear nation can be the starting point for a nuclear war, also a nuclear war by mistake, with global effects for the whole earth, e.g. by a “nuclear winter”. It is therefore not enough just to appeal to one’s own government. In order to reduce the risk, a broad international movement will be needed to highlight the problem and call for measures to reduce the risk of nuclear war.
Quote by Michael Gorbatschow (from his book: “Kommt endlich zur Vernunft – Nie wieder Krieg! Benevento Publishing, 2017, page 12): “My appeal for action is addressed not only to the leaders of the states, but also to civil society. The public played an enormous role in ending the Cold War. I well remember the loud voice of the peace movement against war and nuclear weapons in the 1980s. That voice was heard.”
Concrete Support Measures
Internet Link
Every person (unknown or prominent), every company (large or small), every institution, every association can participate and point out the nuclear war risk on their own homepage.
This could be done e.g. by:
- Own representation with information compiled by yourself
- Link to one of our pages (e.g.
- Link to another page of the peace movement (e.g. ICAN)
Examples of support notes follow below. If you place a link on our pages, we would be pleased to receive information about it, e.g. at We can also name you or your company under “Supporters”.
Social networks
In social networks, information on the risk of nuclear war (Internet links) can be referred to (e.g. “sharing”).
Contact to prominent personalities
A support by prominent personalities (e.g. politicians, musicians, actors, sportsmen) would have a particularly large effect, in particular if these would set references to our sides from their Internet sides. Maybe you can establish such a contact?
Musicians have an enormous charisma and their music has a great effect, also with regard to international understanding. Musicians could be supportive in many ways, e.g. through information on their website, through hints during a live concert or through special peace songs. See also: (international musicians against nuclear war)
The major world churches could work together, develop common positions on nuclear weapons and represent these to the outside world.
Associations, companies
Associations, companies and even large international corporations could take a stand on the nuclear war risk and demand that governments reduce these risks.
Clear positions of associations and companies on nuclear war risks would probably benefit rather than harm the reputation of these associations and companies. If it is easily possible for associations and companies to get involved in social networks (e.g. Facebook), then this should also be possible for peace organisations.
Examples of support notes:
- We support the initiative
- We warn against unintended nuclear war, see
- I support peace initiatives, such as and …
- Peace is important, therefore our company supports …
- For the preservation of peace I support …
- Social engagement: , …
Other available domains can also be selected for such support.
Furthermore, one of these two symbols can bu used:
with a link to .
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